How to draw lion in oil pastel
When I plan new painting I usually start with lose drawing of a subject. I've make a drawing because I want to be familiar with a main features, for example eye shape, distance between nose and mouth, head .... Second stage choosing the right paper. For oil pastel I usually use color Canson Mi-Teintes , in my opinion one of the best paper for oil pastels. Color paper has several advantages. Background color gives the atmosphere in the whole picture. The color gives the initial tone and it is much easier to determine the other tones in the image . The background color gives the unity of everything in the picture . Third stage one more time outline drawing. I intentionally took a black and white photo as a reference, then there is a lot of room for innovation. while I was filling the picture with colors, I used a lot of warm colors, while I also left a lot of background to see. In the last phase, I added details in the eyes, since...